The Fifth European Multidisciplinary Conference on Global Internet Governance Actors, Regulations, Transactions and Strategies

GIG-ARTS 2021 – Vienna

“Online Information Governance – More Expression, Less Freedom?”

Organised by:
Media Governance and Industries Research Lab & Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence FreuDE / Universität Wien
LIP6 Computer Science Research Lab / Sorbonne Université & Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

!!! Covid-19 update of 15 January 2021: GIG-ARTS 2021 cancelled !!!

Dear colleagues,

Following our continuous monitoring of the sanitary situation, and despite the good news regarding the availability of COVID19 vaccines, it unfortunately appears that the situation in 2021 will not be back to normal yet around Spring, the period of the year when the GIG-ARTS conference is usually held. It is thus impossible to make any plans, especially in terms of logistics.

Although many other events of different sizes have already announced that they will be held online also in 2021, we reaffirm that the GIG-ARTS conference is about meeting, exchanging and sharing in a friendly atmosphere, rather than about presenting in a row. Experience has now shown that online meetings do not allow the quality of exchanges we expect.

We thus sadly confirm that the 2021 edition of the GIG-ARTS conference will be cancelled, and no call for abstracts submission will be circulated.

We will be back to you later in the year in case developments allow the organization of smaller GIG-ARTS events in the course of this year.

Thank you for your understanding, and keep safe.
Best regards,
Meryem Marzouki and Katharine Sarikakis, GIG-ARTS 2021 co-chairs –
@GigArtsEU – #GIGARTS20