Note about this Compendium
Like all other activities in 2020, GIG-ARTS was seriously impacted by the Covid19. The conference was initially scheduled to be held on 7-8 May 2020 in Vienna. When the first lockdown decisions were made in Europe, around mid-March, we first decided to postpone the conference dates to 14-15 September.
At that time, we were already close to the end of the submissions review and selection process, and we certainly didn’t want to cancel the event, especially considering the success of the 2020 call for abstracts and the very promising programme that it would lead to. We didn’t want either to hold an online conference, as it is pointless for GIG-ARTS: this conference is about meeting, exchanging and sharing in a friendly atmosphere, not simply about presenting one’s work and having it discussed.
Considering the conference rescheduling, we expected that some authors of selected submissions might not anymore make it to Vienna in September. We have thus enlarged the selection process, so as to establish a second list of 13 submissions selected in reserve, in addition to the first list of 20 submissions.
Given the developments of the sanitary situation all over the world since then, and the consequences in terms of travel restrictions and other limitations imposed in various countries, we eventually had to cancel the 2020 edition of the GIG-ARTS conference.
We have however decided to compensate the cancellation of GIG-ARTS 2020 with some measures to give authors who submitted their work to GIG-ARTS 2020 the credit they deserve, and to acknowledge the work of the conference scientific committee to review and select submissions. One of these measures is the publication of this Compendium of Selected Submissions. It includes the 33 selected submissions in both the first and the second (‘reserve’) list. They are thematically organized in 4 sections, and listed by alphabetical order of authors in each section. This Compendium is also a way to provide the public with an overview of current research topics in the GIG-ARTS conference field. To know more about other measures and about the conference, please check the conference website.
– 2020 Theme Rationale and Main Topics – Page 3
– Section 1 – Assessing, Gauging and Benchmarking Internet Freedom (11 contributions) – Page 5
– Section 2 – (Dis)information and Social Media (9 contributions) – Page 17
– Section 3 – Multilevel Internet Governance: Actors, Processes and Values (9 contributions) – Page 27
– Section 4 – Privacy, Trust and Surveillance (4 contributions) – Page 37